Monday, April 12, 2010

What is the best free online address book?

I'm searching for a web based address book. Something like Plaxo, just more simple. I don't really need a social network.

I need the possibility to add international addresses,

First Last

Street No.

ZIP City


Also, I want to set photos for my contacts and an integration of Yahoo or Google maps would be fine.

I already tried out keepm and Plaxo. Please only suggestion known companies.

What is the best free online address book?
As I was reading your question my first thought was "why not use Google's Gmail?" It's web based. Although it has chat, you don't have to use it. Under contacts you have space for name, street address, postal code, country, phone number, email address, etc for both personal and work data. You can upload your own photo of the contact or one s/he supplies. Google is world-wide and you can incorporate Google Maps. And Gmail supports csv files so you can import contacts from other address books %26gt;overview %26gt;what's new %26gt;help center

Reply:Google's contact manager is not an address book, it's automatically adding addresses of people you reply to. An address book is a book where you have YOUR real contacts stored and not people that Google THINKS who are friends. Report It

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