Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I was already addicted to the internet but when Yahoo Answers came along the addiction went to a whole nother level. There are way too many sites I can get addicted to now and many times I find my internet addiction (things like asking Q's on Yahoo, posting on message board, using google, social networking) causing me to shirk work, happiness, and life in general. In terms of the effects of online addiction to my life it IS SEVERE.

who can I turn to that will legitimately help me recognize and GET OVER internet addiction once and for all? it feels like being a nerd alcoholic.

how about find other things that catches your interest other than the computer find new hobbies hang out with friends find somethindg new
Reply:I hear they have an online addiction site *L* no but seriously ... YOU yourself is the only one that can stop it... You have to make choices.... There is more to life then sitting at the computer... go out with friends, start an outside activity, join a few clubs... then you will see *S* Good Luck
Reply:so like you never go out and sometimes you call out sick so you can be online all day and you forget to eat? Yes, that happened to me too. I wish you the best.
Reply:I'd smash the computer fo rreal. I was playing warcraft too much so i broke the disk in half.
Reply:smash you computer
Reply:the man who comes around to switch off your electricity when you havent payed your bills
Reply:Get rid of your ISP.
Reply:Walk the dog, ride a bike, go hiking or learn self control, there are plenty of places to learn self control outside of the internet................
Reply:There will be many answers to this question and posting this question is probably not going to help the problem as your going to be back every 5 minutes to see new answers.l The best solution to this answer would be simply TURN YOUR COMPUTER OFF. Go out with friends, go to the gym anything that will keep you away from the computer.
Reply:john get a girl....thats all you need

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