Monday, April 12, 2010

Opinion: Myspace, Facebook, etc. being blocked in schools - do you support this or not?

Myspace, Xanga, Facebook and others are being blocked in schools throughout the country. Proposed legislation has even proposed banning access to some of these from public libraries.

I know that people can be quite stupid about the pictures and content that they post on myspace. I'm aware of the bullying and intimidation that goes on and the threats and alleged defamation against school officials and faculty.

What happened to free-speech, though? Are these sites REALLY that bad. After all, high schoolers and college students could be participating in MUCH more dangerous activities than Myspace and I see it as a useful social networking site - I use it to keep in contact with old friends and meet new ones.

AIM and other chat programs are the new telephone and Myspace the new street corner. Like it or not, people chat online and network via these sites. Why is there such a move to restrict these mediums?

Is it simply a bunch of stuck-up individuals?

Weren't you young once too?

Opinion: Myspace, Facebook, etc. being blocked in schools - do you support this or not?
Yes it's a good idea because students will be on myspace all day instead of learning. Myspace is like crack for some people.
Reply:the thing is, most people who cant wait to get home to use these sites are too stupid anyway, and should be learning instead of going on these website. There are way dumber websites blocked across the country, and as a high school student even I can see why they are banned
Reply:I support it. I can't access it at school, so why should anyone else?
Reply:everyone is on the net and talking through cell phones too much these days. its called going outside and actually talking with friends

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