Monday, May 4, 2009

Does online social networking enhance an individual’s critical thinking and effective writing skills?

Haha, no. Think about the subject normally discussed in online social settings-- dating, flirting, etc.

Also, think about the language used when chatting online (a/s/l, LOL, brb, ttfn, omg, bff, rotflol, :) , ttyl, b/c, n, and using z to replace other letters in words). This does NOT foster good writing and spelling skills.

Also, most people pay no attention to using good grammar or complete sentences when typing online, so the only effect it might have would be a negative effect.

Does online social networking enhance an individual’s critical thinking and effective writing skills?
LOL liek it tottaly helps with crtikal thinking and writing skilz!!!1 It takes major thinking to comment on the latest gossip at school and how am i going to leave teh comment without using writing skillz??? cant you see i am already improvin my writin skillz with all this practise!!1

BUT on a serious note, I did find an article that mentiones how blogging can be benificial to the classroom. This may be because bloggin is slightly more formal than your standard myspace page. Another difference with a blog is that the blogger gets comments on what he writes, unlike a social networking site where perhaps only the person the comment is addressed to gives a response

I was unfortunatly unable to find anything with benifical views on social networking towards your goals.
Reply:Absolutely. Think of it. We're now using critical thinking in a debate over whether online social networking enhances an individual's critical thinking. It also enhances writing skills because we wouldn't be able to get our point across if we couldn't communicate effectively.
Reply:I disagree with your other answers. Of course it helps with your critical effective writing skills if you apply yourself. Don't be lazy with the (lol) bull. Give it your best shot and do your best. To heck with the other trash thrown your way.

impacted wisdom teeth

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